Special Event - CAEPC Event at NAEPC Conference

Click here for the registration form. You MUST complete the registration form to attend this special event at the Wigwam Resort, 300 East Wigwam Boulevard, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
Please fax the completed registration form to: 216-696-2582
Please register on or before November 3, 2016.
The “CAEPC Block” referenced on the 2nd page is included in your CAEPC membership.
CAEPC members are welcome to sign up for more than the CAEPC block at their own expense. Members should review the timeline of the entire event and the CAPEC block on page 1 first and then complete registration on page 2. “step 1 and step 2”
For any add ons, please complete the registration form and send a check payable to NAEPC to: NAEPC, Attn. Eleanor Spuhler, 1120 Chester Ave., Ste. 470 ∙ Cleveland, OH 44114 ∙ Phone (866) 226-2224.
Also on November 17th,5:15 pm - 6:15 pm Exclusive AEP® and EPLS Designee Session: Fearless Public Speaking for Estate Planners, a dialogue with Conrad Teitell, LL.B., LL.M., AEP® (Distinguished) Cummings & Lockwood LLC This session is available only to active AEP® designees and EPLS certificants and will offer a unique opportunity to learn from one of the best public speakers in the field of estate planning. Teitell will also be receiving the NAEPC Hartman Axley Lifetime Service Award during the Awards Ceremony on Friday, November 18, 2016.
Early registration deadline September 30,2016.